Observing the Micromovements of Bugs
Was shooting the pupae of a Nolid Moth, also known affectionately as Big Head Cat to the shooters at Admiralty Park, when I noticed that the head’s shape changes slowly. These minute movements can only be observed if you stare long enough through a macro lens… so I did a small animation to illustrate it. 😛

#1 Head shot of the Nolid Moth Pupae, it’s head contorts slowly like a massage chair

#2 Discovered the movements after I shot this and wondered why it’s head was so lopsided

#3 Side profile of the big headed guy. Yes, the swollen part is the head!

#4 The guy responsible for the hole in the leaf!

#5 Going closer to view it’s face

#6 And closer… munching slowly

#7 Side profile of the punk hairdo

#8 Likely to be the emptied egg sac of a Whip Spider (aka Twig Spider)

#9 Moulted shell of a Cicada

#10 A horned caterpillar with a little buddy attachment on top
The complete album can be
viewed here.
nice shots