First Shoot of 2012 at Dairy Farm
First shoot of the year and everyone seemed to be finding lots of goodies! I was late due to work, but managed to get a few unique subjects. heng ahhh

#1 First subject was found along the main path. This
Wandering Spider (Ctenidae). Not sure what it was eating though!

#2 Getting a slightly different view

#3 Close up on the head

#4 It was busy flossing it’s mandibles after the meal

#5 It allowed me to get close.. really close

#6 Another closeup

#7 Beautiful unique
Huntsman Spider (

#8 Lanky legs with smooth graduating colours

#9 Top view to show the leg colours

#10 Closer top view

Jumping Spider (
Salticidae), possibly a female
#12 Close up on the patterns on the head

#13 Someone found this scorpion (
Lychas scutilus?) mama with her relatively mature brood on piggyback. She was also eating a ground spider.

#14 Illuminated with UV light.

#15 Close up on the face

#16 Scorpion head with prey

#17 How many scorpion stings??

#18 Clearer view of the scorpion with prey

#19 Close up on the mama’s sting

#20 This kiddo jumped off and it was her first step to independence, scampering away from her mama.

#21 Wide-Jawed Viciria heavily engulfed in fungus

#22 I cleared the fungus a little to reveal the Salticid’s eyes.

#23 Close up. Can see that the eye was dented.

#24 Not sure what kinda worm this is?

#25 Reddish looking weevil. Several of them beside the steps.

#26 Side view. Lazy to remove the Raynox so had to settle with a cropped view.

#27 Yet another weevil

#28 Huntsman Spider (

#29 A very unique beetle. Possibly

#30 Side view to reveal the antennae

#31 Full-bodied view.

#32 Purplish looking House Centipede. Likely to be fresh from the molt.

#33 Harvestman that most of us call the gummybear.
James blogged about this trip
The complete album can be
viewed here.