Borneo Bootcamp 2017 Daily Journal
Tawau Hills: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4
Danum Valley: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3
Day 2: Adventure in the Rainforest
Day 2 of Borneo Bootcamp started early, with most of our long-distance visitors experiencing jet-lag. We had a very good morning with lots of exciting finds, but were contained to the cabins at night due to the rain. Nevertheless, still an exceptional day in Borneo!
Stag beetle (Prosopocoilus flavidus)
Woke up early to be greeted by this beautiful stag beetle right at my door step. I moved it back to a nearby tree for a couple of record shots.
We had an early breakfast to ensure maximum macro time in the botanic gardens. Minsheng and Paul were still in lala-land but managed to catch up shortly.
Group Photo?
Pierre proposed a group photo. In fact, he took many behind-the-scenes videos which we might see put together at the end of this bootcamp journal series.
Borneo Bootcamp Day 2 Group Photo
Tom volunteered to take this group photo, somehow we didn’t think to take the tripod out and preferred to rush to the bugs earlier! Paul just woke up and didn’t seem exceptionally thrilled to have this photo taken. 😛
Morning Wefie!
While everyone still looked fresh, we took a morning wefie before setting out to the botanic gardens. In this photo, we have folks from Brunei, Singapore, USA, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Australia. The Polish and Malaysians were somewhere else in the jungle? 😛
Outside the Botanic Gardens
Despite all our efforts, the park management didn’t get our message and the gates were still closed. That didn’t stop us from finding a bunch of cool subjects at the entrance!
Busy Pierre
While most of us got busy, Amber and Dennis engaged in some interesting conversations, reminiscing our first trip to Tawau back in 2015.
Dori Photographing the Pill Millipede
Somehow even with all our macro gears, we still took pictures of the subjects with our handphones.
Huntsman spider moult (Rhitymna sp.)
I wanted to see a Rhitymna in Tawau, but I guess this was the next best thing.
Huntsman spider moult (Rhitymna sp.)
Close up of the moult. Easy subject to practise on!
Fishing spider (Nilus sp.)
Also a regular in the area was this fishing spider.
Giant shield bug nymph (Tessaratomidae)
There were many of these shield bug nymphs, but I have not gotten down to identifying any of the nymphs yet. Meanwhile, I’ve consolidated a checklist of shield bugs and stink bugs, many of which were photographed here!
Amber’s Froggie
The little frog jumped onto Amber’s hand while she was trying to shoot it.
First Pair of Lantern Bugs!
High on the wish list of many participants, so everyone was excited to photograph them.
Lantern bugs (Pyrops whiteheadi)
I’ve already photographed this species numerous times, so I contended with just a record shot before moving forward in search of other exotic stuff.
Lantern Bugs
We usually had 2 or 3 individuals photographing them at the same time, but also careful not to disturb them. So now… you know the host tree. 🙂
Click beetle (Elateridae)
Some of the click beetles were well camouflaged on the tree trunks, while revealing some intricate patterns when viewed up close.
Harvestman (Opiliones)
One of the many harvestmen scampering around.
Comb-footed spider (Theridion sp.)
This clown-face spider is common throughout Southeast Asia, usually found with a mesh of silk weaved across the top surface of a leaf.
Ant (Formicidae)
Much smaller version of a fish-hook ant.
Queuing up!
Part of our lessons involved group dynamics, so everyone queued up to photograph our shared finds.
Giant shield bug (Pygoplatys lunatus)
One of the adult shield bugs with forward-pointing and sharp “horns”. Check out the full Pentatomoidea Checklist.
Dead leaf grasshopper nymph (Caelifera)
Looks like a fish? The colours on this grasshopper nymph were not obvious until it we used a stronger flash power on it.
Chilling Out at the Mushroom Pavilion
Our favorite spot to take a break in the middle of the botanic gardens. This was also where we found quite a number of cool subjects, even under the “mushroom’s umbrella”.
Spiny leaf beetle (Dactylispa sp.)
Chris pointed out this spiny leaf beetle to most of us. Very skittish, but well worth the time chasing it down.
Trashline orb weaver (Cyclosa sp.)
This silvery Cyclosa is a common sighting in the botanic gardens, usually with a magnificent spiral stabilimentum.
Leech (Hirudinea)
No Borneo Bootcamp is complete without leeches. This was Don’s first encounter with a leech so we had to document it crawling up his shirt!
Treehoppers (Centrotypus shelfordi)
Jenny found this amazing family of treehoppers at all stages, from the really tiny nymphs to the adult!
Treehoppers (Centrotypus shelfordi)
View of the nymphs up close. Centrotypus shelfordi was first described from Sarawak.
Treehoppers (Centrotypus shelfordi)
Close up of the colourful nymphs, brimming with cuteness.
Scorpion-tailed spider (Arachnura sp.)
This scorpion-tailed spider had an inclined orb-web, and had a prey with it all morning.
Typical scene of me in a backlighting attempt, with my diffusers (and sometimes the Raynox) tossed onto the ground.
Tiger beetle (Cylindera sp.)
Pierre was following this tiger beetle for quite a while.
Tiger beetle (Cylindera sp.)
Close up, revealing stunning metallic colours!
Assassin Bug ©2017 Tom Astle
Tom photographed this captivating red and black assassin bug.
Crab spider (Epidius sp.)
Again, this crab spider that is new to science. We’ve photographed it many times in Tawau, and it is pending official description.
Crab spider (Epidius sp.)
Probably a female or a juvenile. The male would have super long pedipalps.
Broad-headed bark spider moult (Caerostris sp.)
Another one of the spiders that I wanted to see again in Tawau, but could only find the moult.
Spiny orb weaver (Gasteracantha sp.)
This spiny orb weaver looks plain, but it has yet to be identified. Still wondering if it could be new!
Spiny orb weaver (Gasteracantha sp.)
For every spider that I’ve not seen before, I would take many more documentation shots.
Juvenile Giant Shield Bug ©2017 Tom Astle
Tom found this pastel looking shield bug nymph.
Big-jawed spider (Tetragnathidae)
I guess most other skipped the small spiders, while I tried to document whatever I saw.
Planthopper nymph (Fulgoroidea)
Tiny little planthopper nymph, possibly a false lanternfly from the Dictyopharidae family.
Grasshopper in fungus
This shriveled up grasshopper was already covered in fungus.
Giant shield bug (Pygoplatys sp.)
An unknown Pygoplatys with blunt horns.
Longhorn orb weaver (Macracantha arcuata)
High on the wish list of Pierre was this Macracantha arcuata. Unfortunately this specimen looked injured with asymmetrical horns.
Dead leaf grasshopper (Caelifera)
We also saw quite a number of dead-leaf grasshoppers.
Trashline orb weaver (Cyclosa sp.)
Another silver Cyclosa! This shot reveals more details on the spider.
Reed Snake (Calamaria cf. grabowskyi)
Minsheng found this snake along the path to the botanic gardens and called to notify me, but everyone was just too busy with the bugs around them.
The skies opened, forcing these stubborn macro photographers to finally leave the botanic gardens for lunch.
The food was significantly better than the previous bootcamps, and I was looking forward to each meal!
Afternoon Lesson – Post Processing Techniques
Due to the rain, we adjusted the schedule and had our post-processing session in the afternoon, hopefully freeing up more time for actual shoots at night.
Unfortunately Jenny was running a high fever so Minsheng drove her to visit the doctor (Dennis’ brother!) in town.
Jumping spider (Hyllus sp.)
After the rain subsided, we made our way to the botanic gardens again and found this huge jumping spider at the entrance.
Jumping spider (Hyllus sp.)
It had just captured a preying mantis several times its size!
Jumping spider (Hyllus sp.)
Customary portrait shot of the giant salticid.
Jumping spider (Hyllus sp.)
She dragged the mantis out from under the leaf.
Jumping spider (Hyllus sp.)
Last documentation shot of the scene before the others came in to photograph it. The mantis actually managed to escape alive, much to our surprise as it was already motionless for so long.
Spiny orb weaver (Gasteracantha sp.)
Originally mistaken to be Macracantha arcuata due to its long median spines, this species is actually more likely to be Gasteracantha clavigera. It had uneven spines, probably due to prior injuries or problems during its moult. The median spines were even entangled together by what we assume to be its own silk.
Longhorn orb weaver (Macracantha arcuata)
We found another Macracantha arcuata at the entrance. This was a perfect specimen and probably a mature female.
Trashline orb weaver (Cyclosa sp.)
Documenting the interesting webs in the garden.
Trashline orb weaver (Cyclosa sp.)
Looking closer. It had rather disorganised stabilimentum on its web.
Trashline orb weaver (Cyclosa sp.)
Magnified view of the spider on its web. Challenging as I had to go very close without touching the web.
Dinner Time!
Hanyrol seemed really happy with her plate.
Nice Spread!
Most were pretty happy with the food!
Ready for the Rain
The rain continued throughout the night, but that didn’t stop Dennis from gearing up.
Frilled Tree Frog (Kurixalus appendiculatus) ©2017 Tom Astle
Flat and rather cryptic, it was content to rest on the leaf while the rain got heavier.
Tree-stump orb weaver (Poltys sp.)
I went looking around the cabins for spiders, and found this tree-stump orb weaver!
Tree-stump orb weaver (Poltys sp.)
Better view of the eyes.
Tree-stump orb weaver (Poltys sp.)
Posterior view reveals a dark patch. Some species of Poltys can be highly polymorphic, so identification based on photos can be quite difficult.
Tree-stump orb weaver (Poltys sp.)
Anterior section of its abdomen is armed with many tubercles.
Feather-legged spider (Uloboridae)
Also found this interesting looking uloborid next to the cabin.
Feather-legged spider (Uloboridae)
Uncommon view of its eyes.
Straight-snouted weevil (Brentidae)
Someone found this poor little brentid infested with mites.
Dwarf tarantula (Phlogiellus sp.)
Amber spent some time under the cabins to hunt for subjects, and we found a tarantula on her shoulder, much to our delight!
Dead leaf grasshopper (Caelifera)
We had a lot of fun photographing this dead-leaf grasshopper. My previous encounters had only been with the nymphs.
Dead leaf grasshopper (Caelifera)
It even had little window membranes to simulate the holes in a dried leaf.
Dead leaf grasshopper (Caelifera)
Experimental shot to show the grasshopper’s shadows.
Jumping spider (Thiania sp.)
As the rain didn’t show signs of stopping, we shot anything that we could find. Here’s a little fighting spider, something that locals in the region would fondly remember from their childhood days.
Jumping spider (Thiania sp.)
Portraits! Yes it was raining, so it looked a little wet. 🙂
Longhorn beetle (Acalolepta sp.)
This longhorn beetle was also hanging around next to the cabins.
Mantis (Mantodea)
Someone brought this mantis into the shelter from the rain, so we had a simple portraiture shoot with it. This photo is available as one of my luggage cover designs in my new online shop!
Mantis (Mantodea)
Got really bored while waiting for the rain, and took out my cctv lens for some exaggerated perspectives on the mantis.
Bark mantis (Theopompa tosta)
It was close to midnight by the time the rain stopped, and most of us had already decided to rest early for a more productive day ahead. While I was making my way back to my cabin, this cryptic bark mantis was right at the entrance! Can you spot it?
Bark mantis (Theopompa tosta)
Closer view of the mantis, but still well camouflaged.
Bark mantis (Theopompa tosta)
Revealing the details up close.

Day 2 Concluded!
Despite the rain, it was still a pretty productive day! Of course, we were really disappointed that we could not do the night walk but we also had fun hunting around the cabins. Jenny’s fever subsided after her medication and seems like we’re all going to be back in full force for Day 3!
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Borneo Bootcamp 2017 Daily Journal
Tawau Hills: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4
Danum Valley: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3