August 2012


The Night I Smelt Like Vinegar

31 August 2012

Whip Scorpions belong to the order Thelyphonida, and I would consider them to be “cousins” of spiders and other scorpions. They are also called Vinegarroons, because of their defence…


A Viper Near You.. and Sexual Dichromatism

20 August 2012

Many urbanites have not been exposed to nature for so long that when they saw me post photos of snakes shot in our local parks, they’d go “Singapore got…


Return of the Eight-Spotted Crab Spider

11 August 2012

The Eight-Spotted Crab Spider (Platythomisus octomaculatus) has been an elusive subject to many macro photographers, appearing in the Singapore macro scene a small handful of times per year, despite…


Huntsman Night

8 August 2012

Another walk into Bukit Timah led to the sighting of several Huntsman Spiders (Sparassidae). Sometimes known as giant crab spiders, these relatively large spiders are often in abundance in…

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