January 2011


Why are some bugs… BLUE?

29 January 2011

Mother nature designs with purpose and reason. That is why so many species of bugs have excellent camouflages, allowing them to blend into the environment and yet standing out…


Bustling Micro Life Along Bike Trails

23 January 2011

Many bike trails rest in the midst of nature parks and reserves. What most of the bikers do not realize, is the presence of a huge trove of tiny…


A Harvestman in 3D!

23 January 2011

I had been experimenting with various methods of stacking, and came across examples where stacks of images can be used to generate animations that make your subject look like…


Published Works

17 January 2011

Once in a while, I get requests to publish or exhibit my photos in various media – most for a fee and some for free, depending on the purpose…


New Tiny Findings at Mandai Track 15

16 January 2011

Haven’t been to Mandai Track 15 in a while. We ventured beyond the normal bike path, bashing through the pathless terrain for any unique finds and the morning trip…

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