Year: 2012

Feature Journal

The Lock and Key of Spiders

15 September 2012

In the reproduction of spiders, the male typically transfers it’s sperm from it’s pedipalps to the female’s epigyne. The epigyne is the external genital structure of female spiders located…


The Walking Leaf

13 September 2012

This short post brings us to a close look at one of the walking leaves in Singapore – Gray’s Leaf Insect (Phyllium bioculatum). It was found dangling on a…


Singapore’s Leaf Rolling Weevils

7 September 2012

Leaf Rolling Weevils are sometimes known as Giraffe Weevils due to their longer necks. The necks in the males of certain species are extraordinarily long, but we have not…


The Night I Smelt Like Vinegar

31 August 2012

Whip Scorpions belong to the order Thelyphonida, and I would consider them to be “cousins” of spiders and other scorpions. They are also called Vinegarroons, because of their defence…


A Viper Near You.. and Sexual Dichromatism

20 August 2012

Many urbanites have not been exposed to nature for so long that when they saw me post photos of snakes shot in our local parks, they’d go “Singapore got…

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